Friday, August 29, 2008

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I can't believe that I have 3 teenagers in the house. My sweet baby girl will be 13 on the 31st. It seems like yesterday when see was born. Just like the boys she was 2 weeks late so we made the appointment on thursday August 31st. We figured Jay could take a long weekend and help with the boys. We went in and got started on the pit about 9:30. It took a little while and about 11:30 am I got up and went to the bathroom and got back into bed wondering why it felt like I was peeing the bed. Then I realized my water broke (I never experienced this with the boys) Well it didnt take long to get things kicked into gear! They could not get the epidural in fast enough so she came out naturally.(after a c-section with Bracken and an epidural with Jordon, having a baby naturally was not so bad! Recovery time was alot quicker)
she was a healty 7lb 10oz 21in baby girl! Oh yeah, I was the only one who knew what the sex of this baby was before she born. After having two crazy little boys I wanted to know what I was having because this was going to be the last baby.(I didn't even tell Jay)
Shaylee has grown into a beautiful young lady and we feel blessed to have her in our family!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I made the best cookies ever. They were so soft and good. I got the reciepe from Tuesday's Herald Jounal. Here is the reciepe:

Pudding Chip Cookies

1 cup flour

1 pkg (4 serving size) instant vanilla pudding

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 tsp baking soda

2 eggs

2 cups chocolate chips

Cream together butter and brown sugar. Add eggs and baking soda. Mix flour and pudding mix and add to creamed mixture. Stir in chocolate chips. Bake at 350 for 10 to 12 min.

Of course I had to triple the reciepe for my family so I had to add just a little bit more flour. Give it a try and enjoy!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

I cant believe the kids are back in school again. (yeah I have my fridays again)
Shaylee is going to be in the 7th grade this year. One of her big projects will be a bug collection so everyone better be catching bugs for us!!!
Jordon will be a sophmore. He is giving football another try again this year. I hope he gets to play a little bit more this year.
Bracken is a Junior this year. He is missing his job and is trying to find ways to miss school so he can work.
The kids are growing fast and I am feeling old:(

Bracken and his buddies rode in the parade Saturday night. He drove Kody's truck and pulled the 'big boy'. He had alot of fun.

Jordon playing guitar hero. I had to sneak up on him to snap a couple of pictures.

He could spend all day playing and he also can out play us.